Ronan Barrot

Ronan Barrot, born in 1973, is a painter. He entered the École Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Paris in 1991, graduating with honors in 1997. In 2001, Galerie Trafic organized his first solo exhibition, Cataractes. In 2006, he exhibited his paintings at the Musée Marc Chagall in Nice. From 2007, he is represented by Galerie Claude Bernard. It devotes numerous group and solo exhibitions to his work, and presents him at numerous events (FIAC, BRAFA, ArtParis) as well as in other galleries. Many of his works are already part of major private collections in France and abroad, and today feature in those of national museums: Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain de la Ville de Strasbourg, Fondation MAEGHT in Saint Paul de Vence, FRAC Île-de-France-Le Plateau, FRAC Auvergne, etc.

Ronan Barrot acknowledges a number of profound influences: among his masters are Goya and Courbet, from whom he derives his material, his light, his play with reinvented color and his passion for contrasting dark and light hues. At once a portraitist, a landscape painter and a painter of vanities, sometimes nostalgic, always visionary, sometimes an illusionist, he masters all genres, interweaving them with bravado but always with accuracy.

Galerie La Forest Divonne is delighted to present Ronan Barrot for the first time at the BRAFA Art Fair.