Arthur Aillaud
Born in 1973. Lives and works in Paris.
Arthur Aillaud’s work proceeds by juxtapositions: a monochrome geometric zone on a landscape. Each space is a cutting surface of another surface. This reframing at work in the paintings builds rather a decadrage, it allows a critical distance on the subject. The representation is questioned. The architectural organization of the elements of figuration and non-figuration, in a relationship of strict pictorial equality and for compositional purposes, tends to invert, even to blur, our codes of reading. The precarious balance that is established between wall spaces and points of view, in the depth of field, of natural or urban landscapes, reveals all the fragility of reality. The painting becomes its own decor where the trompe l’oeil is no longer an artifice but the main organ of an internal rhythm in the painting. Concrete sets the tone and makes the panoramas resonate. The artist thus plays the plant, or the mineral, against the architectural … all against.