From the Latin “Per se”, composed of per (“by”) and of se (“self”), literally “by oneself, by oneself”.
La Forest Divonne gallery is pleased to present the exhibition project “Per Se” conceived for the 23rd Paris Photo Art Fair.
The exhibition brings together the work of three artists stimulated in their creations by constraint and isolation. Three artists of three generations and different views, from humanist photography to conceptual photography. The constraints in which they confine their lenses testify to the power of photography to transform reality, to initiate a motionless journey, and to trigger the imagination of the beholder. These three individual experiences of artistic confinement form a set of strong, poetic and touching images.
The exhibition is also part of the photography paths:
Photo Saint Germain – the route that every year in November brings together a selection of museums, cultural centres, galleries and bookstores on the Left Bank. Meetings, screenings, signings and studio visits will punctuate the program, in relation to the exhibitions presented.
Photo Days – a new itinerary born in this year 2020 that brings together places and events related to photography in the capital. Emmanuelle de l’Écotais , formerly curator for photography at the Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, invites you to visit thirty places in thirty days; museums and galleries, but also a collector’s apartment and a little-known place invested by an artist: the Balzac Rotunda.