Peindre l’invisible
Peindre l’invisible, beyond trees and silent lives.
Alexandre Hollan is 89 years old and has dozens of exhibitions to his credit. Alexandre Hollan’s art has been an uninterrupted search for decades: the search for the invisible, for the deep energy of things, beyond appearances, that which connects every object and every being, a breath, a presence.
Since the 1980s, Alexandre Hollan’s research has focused on two exclusive subjects, a few objects and a few trees, which have become his entry points to the invisible, like two windows opening onto another dimension. The Brussels exhibition will show the latest stages of this ongoing practice in his art, but for the first time, Alexandre Hollan will also present another subject entirely dedicated to the radiance of light: monochrome works, derived from his famous Silent Lives, but not based on the pots and fruits he usually paints. These “Radiation of Light” exude an exceptional fullness. They are in a sense the culmination of a lifetime dedicated to the search for the very essence of things, to the stripping away of appearances to reach the invisible. It is this mysterious and profound experience that Alexandre Hollan will offer to the Brussels public.