RACHEL LABASTIE : « MARAT ASSASSINÉ », Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Bruxelles


Rachel Labastie presents a work at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium that takes a feminine look at Jacques Louis David’s famous piece, shifting the focus from Marat to Charlotte Corday, the absent protagonist in David’s depiction.

The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium has owned Jacques Louis David’s masterpiece “Marat assassinated” (1793) since 1893. To testify to the central position of this painting in the advent of modern art, they are offering an exhibition with an unprecedented approach to David’s work by combining both historical and contemporary views.

Contemporary interpretations by artists such as Rachel Labastie, Picasso, Ai Weiwei, Gavin Turk, Jean-Luc Moerman and Jan Van Imschoot are presented.

Find out more informations about the exhibition on RoyalMuseumsofFineArts.com !


Marat assassiné 

April 28th — August 07th, 2022

Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
Rue de la Régence 3
1000 Brussels